The Dispatch Blog

Image for Holiday Success: Key Benefits of 3PL Partnership

Holiday Success: Key Benefits of 3PL Partnership

There is a lot of planning that goes into your holiday season, like figuring out what presents to buy, how to decorate the tree, or when to schedule your holiday party. It’s just as busy when it comes to the world of delivery and logistics, especially when you’re trying to tackle it all on your…

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Image for The Impact of Technology on Third-Party Logistics Providers

The Impact of Technology on Third-Party Logistics Providers

Keeping up with technology is essential for success in today’s fast-paced business environment. That goes for your business and ours. Technology is constantly evolving in the world third-party logistics. And it is on providers to stay on top of things and continue to offer added value to customers.

Delivery Express Logistics is a technology-driven company…

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Image for Delivery Express Logistics Regional Capabilities

Delivery Express Logistics Regional Capabilities

For more than 25 years, Delivery Express Logistics has faithfully served Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. And we continue to be the leading third-party logistics and transportation service provider in the area. But now, we have expanded our regional capabilities to include many other western states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada and more.

Do you…

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Image for Holiday Shipping: Think of Logistics Companies As Your Elves

Holiday Shipping: Think of Logistics Companies As Your Elves

Black Friday usually marks the kickoff to the holiday shopping — and in turn — the holiday shipping season. But consumers are seemingly shopping earlier and earlier every year.

Is your business ready for the holiday shipping rush? Transportation issues impact every aspect of your business. What do you ship now that…

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Image for The Pacific Northwest is 100% open for business!

The Pacific Northwest is 100% open for business!

 We are ready and raring for what’s ahead

This is it! The month we have been waiting for – the Pacific Northwest is 100% open for business. No more masks, life seems back to normal – woohoo!

For Delivery Express Logistics Inc. (DELI), we were needed more than ever by our clients during the pandemic…

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